Blaziken in all his glory
Did you play Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire? Well, the fire-type starter Torchic evolves into one of the best fire-type starters Blaziken. Blaziken is loved by many Pokemon fans and his stats are very good. So I’m going to review them.
The first stat that I will review will be move sets. Blaziken’s move sets can be very good, being able to learn moves of different types that deal a lot of damage. But one problem with his attacks are the types of attacks. They almost are all physical attacks so moves like counter can nullify the attack.
The second stat I will review is the defense of Blaziken. It has a defense of 70, which is very low so attacks that are super effective will do immense amounts of damage. But, luckily, his attack is very high so he can knock out other Pokemon with ease.
The last stat I will review is speed. Blazikens speed is very high, due to this he can outspeed almost every Pokemon. His attack stat goes into this factor showing he is more like a glass tank getting defeated quickly but knocking out faster.
In conclusion, Blazikens stats are well-rounded and make him a very powerful Pokemon. Remember though, this is not including his mega-evolution. Monferno is a great fire type, but Blaziken will always be my favorite fire-type starter Pokemon.