How to avoid germs at school

Jenna Brown, Junior Editor

Do you get sick a lot at school? Did you know that common cold is the most common sickness kids get at school in the U.S?  I chose to write about this because a lot of people miss school because they are sick. Usually because you get those germs at school because you spend most of your time at school.

The first way to avoid germs in school is: wash your hands before and after you eat, use the restroom, or after you don’t feel comfortable about what you just touched. When you wash your hands, you should wet your hands with warm water, after that add soap, next you should scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds, then wash rinse your hands off and dry them, finally turn off the water with a paper towel and throw the paper towel away.

The next way you can prevent getting sick in school is: avoid sharing food and drinks with your friends. You may think it’s impolite to say no to someone who is offering you a drink or food. It’s okay to say no to them if you don’t want to get sick, and miss a lot of school because of it. When you get sick you can get a rarer deadly disease called meningitis.(Meningitis is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be bacterial or fungal).

The final way to avoid germs at school is: when you are getting a drink from the water fountain you should be careful. This is because some people put their mouths directly on the faucet causing their germs to spread to the next people that use the same water fountain. To prevent getting germs from a water fountain you can run the water for a few seconds to get some germs away. If you want to be even safer you can bring your own water bottle.

I hope these help you prevent getting sick at school. Also, if you sneeze at school you should remember to cover because,  the droplets from a sneeze can spread for a distance of six feet. You could avoid going to the nurse’s office at school by taking medicine before you come to school or if you are sick just don’t come to school.