The Adventure To Get My Dog


The day I got my dog

Emily Spellman, Editor

Have you ever wanted a dog or had a dog? I still remember the day that I went with my family to get our new puppy.

We went to a relatives house that was much closer to the puppy. I remember being so excited and could barely keep my excitement under control. Once we got to the house we had relaxed that night. The night was very long waiting for morning so that we could go get the puppy. Once it was morning time I bolted around to get ready so that we could get on the road. The car ride seemed to go on for days. Then a few hours later we were at the front door of the house to pick up our new puppy which we didn’t have a name picked out for until we were about half way there. We ended up naming him Buster Brown.

When we got inside, I immediately saw two little puppies walking around the house. We had picked one out months before and I just knew that he was going to be one of the most perfect additions to our family. On the way home, he slept most of the time. When we got back to the house we had came from. That night we had taken him outside and he stayed on the deck when we did go outside. We spent a lot of time being outside with him. When we went to bed he was wining for about twenty minutes but someone came by him and had to lay with him. In the morning we had gone out and came home to the puppy and it was very exciting coming home to a new puppy. We had to leave the next day to come back to his forever home.

The car ride home didn’t seem to be very long with a new puppy to the family. When we got home the room we decided to keep him in with us was not puppy proof yet. As I waited with the puppy for the room to be puppy proofed he loved to sniff around. At first we let him sniff around the whole house and get used to his surroundings. A few hours later we put him into the room we were keeping him and we made sure that everything was set where it was supposed to be. The puppy at first would lay behind his crate on an air vent. About two weeks later he was playing and running acting like a grown up dog.

It has been a year now since we got the puppy and it has flown by fast. He is now about ten times the size he was when he was a tiny puppy. He has come so much closer to us since we originally he still loves going to one of my family members house. He loves spending time there. He will sniff around and he acts like the place is his own. He loves running around and having the time of his life.

If I have learned something from that experience is that you shouldn’t judge no matter what happens. To accept anyone or anything the way that it is. Thank you for reading my story.