My First Day of Middle School!

Taking a picture before heading to school!

Taking a picture before heading to school!

It was my first day at Emporia Middle school and I was anxious and thrilled at the same time… but mostly freaking out! When I went upstairs to get ready I ate cereal, got my braids done and got my water bottle and backpack. Later, when I was getting my shoes on, my mom took a photograph of me before we headed out the door and into the car. While we were proceeding to the EMS, we were both quiet the whole way (which was kind of scary).In 5 minutes we were in the back of the school driving around the loop drive and I joined the other 6th graders streaming into the tremendous school.

Now it was time to get to know our teachers in our assigned team. The teachers that I had were Melanie Cates, a math teacher, Christy Dragonas, a Language Arts teacher, Jordan Young, a Science teacher and Lori Grimmett, a Social Studies teacher. They felt like they were my family by supporting me no matter what. I got to learn about them personally. For Instance, Jordan Young wanted to be a teacher because “When I was a kid in school I found myself helping other students sometimes and was able to explain things in a different way than our teacher could. Being able to teach someone how to do something or how to understand something just felt like an am amazing gift that God gave me. Anyway, I went through college thinking I wanted to make the most money possible but I observe people at many high paying jobs and a lot of these them aren’t happy. I came to a realization that I just wanted to be happy, and I wanted to LOVE to go to work everyday. This thought brought be back to the idea of teaching. I already loved working with kids (even though it can be stressful) so I went for it! Fast forward, here I am and I absolutely love what I do, and enjoy knowing that I am blessed with a unique opportunity to help mold the mind’s of the future of this world!”

After we were done we went to lunch and ate about 30 minutes. While I got my lunch I sat my so many people that I didn’t know so I just so wherever I wanted and in those 30 minutes I already made new friends! After I was done with the procedures and eating, I went back to my teachers for the end of the day and learn about the other procedures around the school and what we do and what will happen.

At 3:22 it was time to go home and do whatever we wanted to do.  I went towards the back of the school where I was dropped off by my mom. In half an hour, my mom got me and we went straight home. Once I entered the door everyone went crazy and asked me how it went. I said it was boring, but really it was very interesting to learn about my first year of EMS and meeting other people and have friendships with them.

So if it’s your first time of a new school that you don’t know anything about don’t be stressed out, because really you’re going to meet other people and later in the year you’re going to have a great time! Remember; DON’T GIVE UP NO MATTER IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU TO; DO WHAT YOU WANT!