My Volleyball Chants

My Volleyball Team
May 19, 2022
Chants chants chants….. Do they really help you stay focused and encourage you in an intense game? The motto’s I used helped me stay focused, motivated me to work harder, and mainly encouraged my team. This is really important because it takes all of us doing our best to win against a really good team. These 3 are the ones that are really helpful to keep my head in the game.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
That was my favorite one of the three moto’s we had because it really helped us work as a team and remember how well we do when we work together. When we are not focused and not working as a team we play so bad and really start to fall apart. But our coach used to tell us when we work together we’re unstoppable and it really is true. Something I love about my coach is that she never lies to us and is always our biggest motivator.
Kiss my ace!
This is my second favorite motto that I used. Ace is when you serve the ball and they can’t send it back over the net because your serve was too powerful or you served in a good spot. This one was really funny and all of the parents laughed when we said it. Our coach didn’t like it at first because it sounded bad, but we all knew she really loved it and was just being stubborn. After we say that motto we clap twice as a team and it sounds really cool when we all clap at the same time.
Your mom called you and said you left your game at home.
At our second tournament my coach told me this because I wasn’t focused and I was playing so bad. It made me laugh and realize that we needed to win this game if we wanted to have a chance of winning the tournament. So, I flipped a switch in my head and worked 10 times harder and forced up, because I didn’t want that motto to be true.
Chants chants chants…. Do they really help you stay focused and encourage you in an intense game? Well, the answer for my team is definitely yes. It makes us laugh and helps us focus and remember all the good moments. It also really intimidates the other teams when we say them really loud. I hope you use these when you’re not focused or when you’re doing really well!