First Friday

Downtown Emporia
October 17, 2022
On July 13, 2022, citizens from Emporia and surrounding areas went to First Friday, in downtown Emporia to have fun and look at art.
I interviewed my friends, Lucia Hernandez and Jaylin Ortiz Velazquez about First Friday and what it was like. When I asked Lucia why she likes going to First Friday she said, “Ever since the first time I went it’s been like a tradition, so if I don’t go I feel sad.” She then replied to the question Where are your favorite places to go during First Friday? She said, ”Gravel City Roasters cause I always go there in the beginning and The Vault Cheese and Meats because of the rolls and the people that work there.” I then asked Jaylin and Lucia what their favorite thing about First Friday is. Jaylin then said, “I really like walking around with friends. I know that the art is the main part but walking around with friends is better.” Lucia said, “My favorite thing about First Friday is everything because it brings everyone together and gives local artists a chance to show off their art and sell it.”
They have different activities. For example, they give you a piece of paper and you have to visit different establishments including the one hosting First Friday. Then they stamp your paper. If you get 7 or 8 stamps, you get to put in a drawing to win something. Some other things you can do is go shopping or do activities at different establishments like ax throwing or playing board games.
They have different types of foods and drinks you can get. The main food places are The Vault Cheese and Meats, Gravel City Roasters, and Chia em Eats. I asked Jaylin what her favorite food item was to get at First Friday. She said, “We usually get some bread from the cheese vault. The guy there usually has a new loaf of bread every time.”
I really like First Friday. In my opinion, First Friday is a great experience and everyone should get the chance to go. My favorite place is L and L Pets or the Cheese Vault. So, next time there is a First Friday, you should go.