Worlds Of Fun Madness

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October 13, 2022
Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? Have you been to Worlds of Fun? Lots of people go to Worlds of Fun to have fun. They ride the rides and go play games. Little did I know, going to Worlds of Fun was the worst mistake of my life.
My mom and I went to Worlds of Fun. On The car ride up, we listened to a song and played “I spy”. When we got to the parking lot, I said, “I’m not riding the big ones.” After we got out of the car, my mom said “if I rode every ride I could with my height and weight”, she would give me $10”; I agreed.
We started with the Patriot. I don’t know why but we did. The Patriot is smooth but the upside-down parts are scary. Then we went to the Spinning Dragons. It was really fun. It was my favorite ride when I went. We ate at the Chinese restaurant there and then got subway cookies.
We went back and rode a bunch more rides like Boomerang and Cyclone Sam. We rode our last ride called The Ship. The car ride home was a bunch of stops. We stopped at 4 gas stations because we took our gas-guzzler car that had 10 miles a gallon and took 30 gallons of gas per fill. When we got home, we brushed our teeth and went to bed. The next day we were so sore from walking and having fun and crying.
Looking back at this day made me realize how scared I was then compared to now because I can ride all of them now. I found out from my mom that I got McDonald’s instead of $10 and that she did not even spend $10 at McDonald’s. So, next time you are scared to do something, go ahead and do it because it might pay off.