What’s The Point Of Fonts?

Just Fonts In A Circle

Jeremiah Vance, Contributor

“Fonts are actually quite useful as it spices up everything!” Now, what’s the point of fonts? Well, I know but it’s tough to put in words so let me try to tell you this. Without fonts everything looks plainer and there is no uniqueness. And almost all newspapers use fonts to catch your interest. And you can’t make your text like this without fonts! So Fonts are actually quite useful as it spices up everything well in a text. But there is one downside to fonts. They sometimes make the viewer lose interest in reading what you wrote. And that’s my very short review of fonts. If you don’t know where to find them in google docs, it’s up near the top left corner. One I would recommend looking at is “freckle face”. It is interesting but it doesn’t stand out way too much!  Check them out.