Bang! The thunder roared as we sat over the fire, the smell of burning wood in the air. Bang! The thunder roared again. We put out the fire gathered our stuff, then we hurried to a different spot away from all the tall, isolated trees. As we did, a loud BANG! came from the camping spot, a tree fell over on where our tent used to be. We sat down and ate the gooey, sweet, chocolate s’mores while gazing up into the night sky and seeing the amazing view. Have you ever wondered where and when to camp? Or have you ever wondered how you can camp or cook safely? Well, if you have, you can find out in this story.
Camping Spots
Have you ever wanted to go camping but couldn’t find the right spot to camp? Well, camping spots are everywhere; it just depends on where you want to go and what you wanna do. When camping, you should be aware of when to go. Most people go camping during spring and winter. The reason why most people go camping in the spring and winter is because it’s not as hot and they are able to avoid the crowds. When camping, three popular spots are “Winfield”, “McPherson”, and “Kanopolis”. There’s a lot more but these are the top 3 popular spots. You can honestly camp anywhere, that’s not illegal. If you or your friends own private property, you could camp there, you could camp in your backyard, or in the woods. There really isn’t a place you can’t go.
Some of the most popular camping foods that I enjoy are s’mores, burgers, and hot dogs. To make a s’more you’ll have to get Marshmallows. If you don’t have marshmallows, then it isn’t really s’mores is it? You will have to roast a marshmallow on a fire then you’ll also need graham crackers, to put on the top and the bottom of the marshmallow. Did you think I’d forget the chocolate? Well, I didn’t. You’ll also need to put your chocolate in between the marshmallow and graham crackers When cooking smores you have to roast the marshmallow until it’s golden brown or dark brown (black) but if you like gooey marshmallows then you can peel the crust off, after you roast your marshmallow you’ll have to get the gram crackers and chocolate together than you squish the marshmallow into it, and that’s all you need to make s’mores. When making hot dogs all you need is the hot dogs and buns. Then you roast the hot dog over the fire and put it inside the bun. If you like it with condiments, then you’ll have to bring some and put it on the hot dog. If you ever want to make burgers during camping, then you’ll have to preseason the patties in tin foil and then put them over the fire. You’ll have to flip it so it can cook. You also have to bring buns for the burger and if you want you can add condiments.
The importance of camp safety
The first rule some people like to say is “NO EATING IN THE TENT”. Well, there’s a reason for that, that reason is because since you’re in a small tent there is certainly no room for small critters looking for food; especially because they could crawl into your mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. The second rule is “NO EATING MUSHROOMS OR BERRIES”. When in the wilderness, you should never eat food you find outside because they could be poisonous and or make people sick. Now we wouldn’t want that would we? The last rule I’ll tell you about is “DON’T GO OUTSIDE BAREFOOT”. The reason why you shouldn’t go outside barefoot is because you could step on something. You don’t want to cut your foot. Therefore you should follow these three rules with no questions. The second thing I want to talk about are the fire rules. These rules need to be followed no matter what because when you’re in the wilderness where there are no doctors and perhaps no cell service and when you get hurt by the fire that can result in serious injuries. People who are naturally attracted to flames could get hurt really badly if you don’t keep your eye on them. And if that were to happen it would end really badly.
As we settle down in our tents, we hear the bugs flying around outside. I thought to myself, nothing could possibly go wrong. As I dozed off, but just before I closed my eyes, I saw a shadowy figure out of the corner of my eye. As I slept, I kept thinking about things; about the shadowy figure. What was it? And why did it come here? Then when I woke up I saw it was just our friendly neighborhood bear looking for food. When spending time with friends you might get distracted by social media, I mean I do. This is why going camping is the perfect getaway with your friends and families. If you want to know more about camping visit 100+ Amazing Facts About Camping, Wildlife & Wilderness ♡