Biking, fun, dangerous, magnificent, pretty much anything, but have you ever wondered how many people ACTUALLY go biking? How safe is it? Well, I can answer that. Biking can be fun depending on what you do. Races, just normal bike rides, and just casually going to work can be some of the many things you can do. But you need to do it safely. By having the proper equipment on you, you can do those things.
Safety Info:
When biking, here are some things you should probably do/get. Protective Gear: Biking needs to have proper safety items, like helmets, knee cap guards, and elbow guards to prevent crashes and to protect you from them. Now, some people think it’s cool not to wear a helmet, but if you don’t, you can end up having a discussion with the windshield. :/ Signaling: When you go biking, make sure you have the signals in mind for turning, so that you don’t get into a bike crash. And it helps drivers know where you are going to go just in case they don’t want to hit you. Lane Safety: Make sure to be in the right lane when biking, if you are in the lane that has a lot of cars in them, look for the lane that says “bike friendly” so that way you don’t get into the wrong lane and crash into a car.
Biking can also be a competitive thing. Here in Kansas, we have the UNBOUND Gravel! We get a lot of bikers here in Emporia; IT’S INSANE! It’s also really bike friendly, which is really great! The Tour De France is the most famous bike riding championship of all time. But I would suggest something more, not “80 miles per hour”. It’s also really dangerous because of the ramps and other high risk stuff. The Olympics are a championship that includes some of the most experienced people in it. You need to be the BEST of the BEST to get in and compete for your country. You also have to have an invite to be let in. Isn’t that cool?!
BMX bikes: BMX bikes are probably the fastest bike you can think of. They help with races that are on-road, and just flexing your bike. (which I think is pretty overrated). They can also be great kid bikes. If I’m gonna be honest, they are basically meant for kids.
MOUNTAIN bikes: Mountain bikes are meant for, you guessed it, Mountain hiking. They usually have up to 7 gears, including Low friction, Medium friction, and High friction. They are usually meant for the UNBOUND gravel and off-road races. They are typically used by people who prefer to choose their gears.
Normal Bikes: Normal bikes are usually the type of bikes you see when people are out riding in the summer. They have medium speed with auto-gears, and I’d suggest them to almost anyone who doesn’t like to spend as much money on a bike.
Biking can be dangerous and fun, but when you’re safe, it can be really fun! Make sure to wear safety gear when biking, and stay in the right lane. I would say if you’d want to have a nice bike, that’s coming out of your money, one bike that’s from a popular brand can be up to $16,000! That’s a lot of money! If you want to get your first bike, then I would suggest having a bike that is more in the price range of $100-$250, Here’s a bike I would suggest: https://www.amazon.com/Mongoose-Flatrock-Hardtail-Mountain-Shift
If you want to learn more about the UNBOUND gravel, I would suggest watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV2P78k-EIw