Have you cracked your head open? Well, I have. I learned to be more careful about it.
I was four years old as I was jumping with an older kid on the porch. Everything was fine. I was having fun. My mom warned me to be careful. I listened but not long after as I landed my foot slipped my head went into the middle of my stepdad’s truck. Everything went black. My mom told me she picked me up as my head was bleeding like crazy. She put me on her lap as she drove to the hospital. The next thing I know I have stitches. But the weirdest thing is the doctors put duct tape-like stuff on my forehead and ripped it off.
I was in preschool at the time my stitches were in. When I was on the moving bridge thing a kid walked up and pushed me. As he shook the bridge it was the worst my head started to hurt. I was able to get off of the bridge but my head hurt. The kid laughed as I cried. I ran to a teacher and told them but the kid lied and lied but his lying wasn’t working. He got in trouble. I don’t know what he had to do after.
When my injury was healed my grandma said when my stitches were removed I could have one of those cylinders with sea creature toys in it. I said ok, but it sucked! I screamed and cried as they were taken out., After my grandma gave me the cylinder I was so happy but I was crying.
To this day I have the scars one on my eyebrow and one on my forehead.
This event has not changed my life to this day. That experience is a one in a lifetime. But I probably should have learned to be more careful. I cracked my head open again at Walnut Park.