It all started this summer when my Grandpa asked me to knit him a winter hat and I procrastinated until early December. Two weeks until Christmas is when I started my hat. I had about an inch and a half knitted after a few days. I brought it downstairs to watch TV while I knitted. My mom came into the room and asked to look at my hat to see how far I had gotten when she said the terrible words “I think you might want to restart, it’s too big and not wearable.” Because my Grandpa doesn’t live with us I could never get the right measurements of his head, and I had to guess on them. So I started again and got about the same spot as last time, but I got it twisted and had to restart again. With only a week left, I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish it but I started again only to have the hat end up twisted again. I don’t know if I’ll finish the hat, but my hopes are up because I believe in myself and my Grandpa deserves this present.
The Struggles of Making a Hat for my Grandpa
Keira Ogleby, Contributor
January 8, 2024
The hat in progress.