Helen was always a criminal. Though, one night was a night that would change her life forever. She was attempting to break into a gas station through the roof when suddenly, it snapped and put her in a coma in the attic of the gas station for a month. When she woke up, it was December 24th. She wasn’t sure how she got to the attic of the gas station, but only that she was trying to find her friend a gift for Thanksgiving. Helen quickly rushed to the nearest Wal-Mart, desperate to get her friend a gift. She ran to the donation box, looking around to make sure not a single soul was watching. She reached in, grabbing a small stuffed animal and a polka-dotted pink and green child’s coat. On her way out, she snatched spark plugs from the end cap. When she got to her friend, she experienced the most traumatic thing in her life. Her friend had recently got a new job working for loss prevention for Wal-Mart. She had seen Helen’s actions on the store security camera. Desperate for promotion, she had sold Helen out to the local authorities. Her friend was wearing her Wal-Mart smiley vest as Helen was taken out by the police, never to be seen again.