Guns in the U.S
November 16, 2017
Do you think guns should be banned U.S. besides the military? I think guns should be banned because people should not be killed for not doing anything to that person. Reason one, no more mass shootings the number one reason for no more mass shootings because during mass shootings a lot of people are killed or hurt. Another reason is that you don’t have to worry about getting killed or hurt at an event or in your back yard. Final reason, no more terrorist attacks involving guns. Guns should be able to be used in military only because you are fighting for your country.
Guns should be banned in the U.S. because there would be less mass shootings, and a lot of people are killed or hurt. Example; Las Vegas attack. Also, “948 victims have been killed in the last 50 years” (Washington post). We don’t need to have people killed for no reason. They need to live a good life, to raise their kids.
Another reason is that you don’t have to worry about being hurt or killed by guns as much. “Gun violence in the United States results in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries annually. The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country” (Wikipedia). Kids could do more things by themselves if there was no guns because don’t feel safe to go outside and play if there were no guns the kids would feel safer.
There are a lot of people that start terrorist attacks (a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims), and it is easy to kill a lot of innocent people with a gun. “Since 9/11 there has been 60 terrorist attacks in the US” ( Heritage). If we did background checks on people that I have a criminal record then they would not be able to have guns.
Guns should be banned in the US besides the military. No more mass shootings, means less people getting killed or hurt. You don’t have to worry about getting killed or hurt in your backyard or at a event. No more terrorist attacks involving guns.