Have you ever wanted to be a runner? Have you ever wondered what even goes on in Cross Country? Do you want to know what fun things happen in Cross Country? Well, you came to the right place/story.
Usually at practice, we would start off with a quick warm-up, like running around the tennis court (running it 1 time) and then we would do exercises, like Lunges. Then we would head to the track to do some training. We would run around the track for 1 mile until we got our time, then we would try to do how many laps you wanted to do. Once we got that done, we would move on to discussions about meets.
Meets are field trips to other schools to race on their track/fields, where you run up to 2 miles. When running these 2 miles, you sometimes can get the chance to be watered down/sprinkled to cool you down. If you get lucky, some meets will only have you do 1 mile (usually at the end of the season) to get you ready or just for fun. After the meets, you get to experience what it’s truly like to be a part of the team.
Being Part of the Team
Being a part of the team can mean a whole lot of things, but what it means to cross country is: having pasta dinners. These “pasta dinners” had some of the best home-cooked meals of the school year. (in my opinion of course) Aside from that, AFTER the pasta dinner, you get to hang out for a few minutes and have a good football game with the team. And you’ve got a good friendship going on, like the one friend that always makes you laugh and is always fun to hang out with.
Why Cross Country Is For Everyone
Cross Country can really be for anyone. You could probably start as early as 7 to train for Cross Country (unlike any other sport). If you really want to start Cross Country here in Emporia, then go here to learn more about this sport: https://ehs.usd253.org/activities-athletics/athletics/sport/~board/ehs-athletics/post/cross-country-boys