Have you ever used a lawn mower that you have to push like a Honda HRX or maybe a lawn mower you have to stand on like the John Deere X360 Riding Mower? Now that you have an idea of those mowers imagine both of these mowers combined you might think of a mower that you can ride and stand on at the same time and that is exactly what the 2015 Scag V-Ride does! This zero-turn mower “if maintained well” can cut grass like it’s nothing! now for the part you’re here for; how to use this thing. First, you’re gonna want to make sure that the parking brake “ The black lever on the left side” is on, the blades are turned off, and it is in neutral. Like most mowers, turn the key to turn it on. Next, if you want it to move, turn off the parking brake, push the left lever down, put it into drive, use the levers to move, and for faster speeds use the lever on the left of the control panel. Finally, you need to know how to activate the blades. On the left, there is a metal pole that controls your deck, pull it back if you need to adjust the deck height, when you set it to your desired height push the button on top of the pole and slowly let it down, increase the power of the mower by pushing the lever on the left of the control panel and pull up on the yellow lever to activate the blades, and when you are done mowing push the lever down and decrease the power. Well there you go, that was how to use a Scag V-ride.