Have you ever wondered what it’s like to play with your buds TRULY? Well, Cross Country is that moment of chance! With the many benefits, One of the main events that happens basically every week is Pasta Dinners. Another thing is the activities that we do, I would say they are pretty fun and they help your team bond with each other.
Pasta Dinners
Pasta Dinners are one of the most important things that will happen. The activities there are some of the most bonding things that will ever happen. Once you attend these, you will go from only having 1 friend, to 20 in an instant from the activities. One of the most important things to make sure to do is play games together as a team, for example, you could play tennis, basketball, soccer, and maybe even football!
The activities at these practices can range from, Zombie Tag, Normal Tag, Races, and Catch! And, if you’re lucky enough, Coach will join in and make it even funner! (I bet other sports don’t get to do this!) If you really think about it, it’s probably more fun to do activities at pasta dinners, than running (for the ones who think running is boring :/) Now, we move onto the Honey Badgers!
The Honey Badgers
Whether you believe me or not, Cross Country does have a mascot. They’re called The Honey Badgers, and it’s probably the least expected sport to have a mascot too. When cheering on your teammates, you can cheer, “COME ON HONEY BADGERS!! LET’S WIN THIS!!”. I promise it’ll work. (from personal experience).
So, is Cross Country fun to do? Yes, I would totally suggest it if you like making new friends and like running for at least 2 miles. Make sure to listen to the coach when running, it really helps out. Teammates will generally cheer you on when running, because they want you to improve and beat everyone because that’s the goal, but it’s really about the Cross Country Family.