Tired of school? Well, guess what…school ends next week. Summer, in my opinion, is the best time of the year because we don’t have school. The weather gets nicer. You get to do so many fun things like swimming, sleeping, relaxing, and not having to worry about school work. Also, during summer there are good fruits to eat, it’s ice cream season, going on walks, riding bikes, and a lot more. It’s overall a great time. I really have fun because my parents have two jeeps and they like to take off the roof and doors. It’s so nice getting all the wind and the sun shining on you. Also, you can’t forget about the fair. For me it’s so fun. I go to different places to go to their fairs. My family also likes going on vacations. This year we are going to El Salvador and we also might go to California. We also go to Nebraska because we have family there and some nice lakes and we get on jet skis. It’s a really fun time. Just one more week to go!
Aylin Sandoval, Contributor
May 9, 2024
At my house when the weather gets warmer the flowers start showing up. you can also see our Jeep in the back.