Have you ever wondered what you would even need to run this amazing sport? Do you think you’ll ever make it to this point in the season? When you want to run cross country, you think you’ll just be up and ready in a few seconds to go for a 2-mile run, right? Wrong, you need gear! Especially if you want to be faster than your previous time.
For your outfit, you’ll need a good shirt. I would suggest not wearing a black shirt, because the shirt will absorb all of the heat and direct it towards your body. I don’t think you want to be BURNING hot for a full 2 miles do you? And you’ll also want good shorts and/or pants. The type of shorts I would suggest would be Athletic shorts, and the pants would be some good sweatpants for a smoother run. But, every outfit needs shoes, am I right?
If you want to run, you don’t want to run barefoot. So, you need to get some nice shoes. The shoes I would suggest for flat footers like myself would be shoes with foot support to get the correct bounce you need! For the arched footers, I would suggest doing the normal athletic shoes. But, for pros, I would do spikes. Those babies will get you running faster in no time! With shoes, comes socks!
If you’re going to run with shoes, I think you’ll need socks! For the right type of socks, I would suggest getting some athletic socks or comfortable socks so that way if your feet get tired, you won’t get as hurt because of the comfy socks. You can also get foot support for your socks in your shoes. So that way flat footers like me can get more comfortable with running instead of a staggering pain in our ankles and feet. Now time for a water bottle!
Water Bottle
Now, when you run, you will usually get tired. To prevent this, a water bottle will help you out. After all, a water bottle a day keeps the side stitches away! The water bottle I would suggest would be any water bottle with insulation, this will help to keep the water cool so that way if you’re tired, you will be able to cool yourself down really quickly. Now, with all of these combined, this is how to get better each day.
If you want to get better at cross country, I would suggest running at home for 20-30 minutes per day, so that way you can get your legs ready for long-distance running and fast sprints. As I’ve explained in my previous beat stories, to increase your speed and endurance, strides will help out with that, and doing the exercises will also help out! Isn’t cross-country running the best?