Three things I have learned in World Studies are a lot of things. In this class, you not only learn how to have correct grammar and writing, but you also learn valuable skills. Most of the people including me put things off to the last minute but although you might put things off to the last minute you always seem to make it in the end. When the semester started the whole class was informed that we all would fail and that it would be hard if we didn’t try our best and do more than just the bare minimum. Failing some assignments also helped us learn from our mistakes and figure out how to keep a steady pace in class. The grades were reflected in how hard we tried and if people tried their best and did a good job. This class, although I have no clue how I got into this, I’m grateful because I might not have gotten to experience this kind of strictness yet freedom from any other classes like this. I’m happy I got to be here this school year and couldn’t have wanted any other class this year.
Three Things I Learned In World Studies <3
Maybe? \(-_-)/
Sofia Nelson, Contributor
September 4, 2024