Introduction: Do you ever look at someone that you could’ve passed by in the hallway, seen at the park, or maybe just in the drive thru at Mcdonalds and wonder, who are they? What do they think about? What are their thoughts? Today I interviewed a classmate of mine I didn’t know much about before. Now I can look at her and know who she is. You can too. Here are the answers to questions you might have about Poppy Davis.
Q- How many siblings do you have?
A -Five.
Q- Are any of those half or step siblings?
A-No, they’re actually all my biological ones.
Q- Who is your favorite sibling and why?
A – My eldest brother Ellett because I don’t get to see him that often as my other siblings because he’s out on a mission for our church.
Q- Oh, and how old is he?
A – He’s eighteen.
Q – Do you have a lot of cousins?
A- Yeah a few.
Q- Do most of your cousins live in town here?
A – No, they actually live in California or Utah.
Q – Oh yea, I’ve heard you mention that before in class. How many pets do you have if you have any?
A – I have three right now. One is a dog and the other two are cats. I used to have like twenty-five pets but they all died.
Q- Did you have all of them at the same time?
A – I did have those animals at the same time. It was difficult to take care of them all.
Q- What kind of animals were they?
A – I had a bunch of chickens, a lot of ducks, maybe like two rabbits, three cats, and a dog!
Q – What’s your favorite subject?
A -Mm. I have two, social studies, and math because they just interest me a lot more than the others but I still love every subject.
Q – What do you like about social studies?
A – I like social studies because it can just be a lot of fun getting to hangout with other people and actually like talking to them a lot more than I do in my other classes. On top of that I really like social studies because it also has history in it too and I just love learning about the past.
Q – What’s something or just a fact you’ve learned so far in social studies. It could be from this year or last year that you found interesting.
A – What I found interesting is that in ancient Greece, Sparta was the only one who actually had way more women’s rights than all of the other civilizations.
Q – Yeah, I remember learning that too. Who has been your favorite teacher this year so far?
A – That is a hard question because I love all of my teachers. If I had to choose a favorite it would be Ms. Goodman because I’m her student aid and she used to be my math teacher in sixth grade.
Q – Who was your favorite teacher last year? Was it Ms. Goodman or another one?
A – Yeah actually it was Mrs. Goodman and Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams was another social studies teacher.
Q – Are you a part of any clubs here at school?
A – No, I’m not. That’s because I’m in soccer and I love soccer way more than any clubs.
Q- I understand that. What are your electives?
A – My electives are culinary and being a student aid.
Q – Do you get along with the students while you’re doing your job as a student aid?
A- I do, they’re actually pretty funny. A Lot of them just keep asking me for Jolly Ranchers because I can have them whenever I want haha.
Q – Have you lived in Emporia your whole life?
A – No.
Q – Oh, where are you from?
A – California.
Q – Where is your root heritage from?
A – I don’t really know but I think I might be part Norwegian because my dad is part Norwegian. So mine is like a really low percentage. My mom is also part Dutch so I think I am too.
Q – How many states have you been to? Not lived.
A – I have traveled to Oklahoma, California, Utah, South Dakota, and I can’t remember any other ones.
Q – So it’s a good handful then.
A- Yeah hah.
Q – What’s your favorite place you’ve been to?
A – California.
Q – Where did you live when you were there?
A – I lived in Oceanside. I was one year old.
Q – When did you move here?
A – When I was one year old. I don’t remember when I lived in California very well but I like going.
Q- Do you go there during the winter or spring breaks we have?
A – Sometimes if there’s a family reunion happening there.
Q – If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A – Probably somewhere where my family could go. It’s not really fun to me if I couldn’t be there with my family members.
Q – Me too. How many places have you lived?
A – Two.
Conclusion: After reading this, you’ve learned about Poppy’s interests, where she’s from, and her hobbies! If you go to school with Poppy Davis, and if you happen to run into her in the hallways of EMS you will know a little bit more than just her name.