Have you ever wanted to join STUCO but your not sure if its right for you or if it would be fun? Well, today I am going to give you a review over STUCO so you can know if you want to join or not. I have been in STUCO for 2 years so I will make sure that I give you all the pros and cons.
The first thing that you should know about STUCO is That there is a big time commitment. We meet every Wednesday after school from 3:35 to 4:45. The meetings are fun, but if you are in sports you have to miss practice You also can’t do clubs on Wednesdays. WE also work concessions at basketball, Football, and, wrestling tournaments and games. While the concessions aren’t mandatory they are our main way to raise money. Also, they go all the way too 6:00 but you do get some freebies.
The second thing that you should know about STUCO is all the people you will meet. STUCO is a way that you can connect with so many other people that are good leaders. It is also a safe place so where you get to the meeting you can be you and nobody will judge you. Our Supervisor is Mrs. Mason. She is super kind and understanding and pushes us to meet our deadlines and have fun.
The last thing that you should know about STUCO is that there are so many different things that you can do and still be in STUCO. We have a ton of different committees that you can be a part of including community service, staff appreciation, spirit week, and assembly planners. Those are only to name a few. There is something for everybody and we can switch committees 3 times a year.
Now you know all about STUCO; how its a commitment, how there are great people, and how there are different options. Overall, I give STUCO a 5 out of 5 stars. If you want to join STUCO you can run at the end of the year. I hope to see you next year.