Is P.E. an Important Elective


Some of the sports we do in P.E. (Lexington School District Two).

Sydney Douglas, Reporter

Should kids have to take P.E. in school?  I think kids should have to take one P.E. (Physical education) class per year.  P.E. is mostly focused on physical activity, team building, and trying out new sports that they might enjoy and want to play in the future.  It also gives kids a chance to be active and go outside.

Being active is very important in today’s day and age; it can help with energy, make you live longer, and in general make you feel a whole lot better (Exercise).  According to LifeStyle Fitness, “Exercise controls weight”. When people workout or do physical activity they burn calories which makes you healthier or even lose weight.  Did you know that, “since 1970 kids being overweight has tripled” and is now the number one health concern in the United States, reports American Heart Association.  Kids need a lot of physical and mental energy while in school and when teens (adults) exercise they get more energy.  Homework can be grueling to some people depending on the class; finding the time, and getting yourself to do it, if the homework is challenging.  When you exercise, “Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular [heart and blood vessels] system work more efficiently” says Lifetime Fitness.  Not all middle schoolers get enough sleep and are tired the entire day.  The right amount of sleep for teens is “nine to nine and a half hours a night” (Sleep in Adolescents).  Exercise makes getting a good night’s sleep easier. observes that  when exercising it raises your body temperature then it lowers and generates tiredness.  From personal experience I notice that a intense workout makes me tired then I am ready for bed.

I think that when playing different sports with your P.E. classmates helps with teamwork; passing balls and depending on your teammates to win or be successful.  Playing sports with not all athletes can build confidence, and in P.E. you won’t be dominated by athletes which can make you feel good about yourself when you make a basket, goal, touchdown, etc. Benefits of Teamwork in Sports states, “Working together on a sports team encourages socialization, as players become part of a group”.  When I connect with people and get to know them I want to participate in the sport with them more.  P.E. teachers watch and make sure you are passing the ball to everybody.  You get know people better in P.E. because at the Emporia Middle School we run everyday do everything in partners or groups which makes people be better at working with people.

In P.E. we play mostly every sport we can, giving students a chance to  see what they like.  Every sport is different and uses different muscles and abilities.  Some kids don’t want to go out for a sport that they’ve never even tried.  Some there’s  sports that you need special equipment and in P.E. you get a chance to try it out.  Without P.E. you may never find the sport that you were meant to play.  Sports also help with many skills in life.  Such as confidence, cooperating with people, and socializing (Kent Page McGroarty).

P.E. is not that bad, when you get over the running part (if your school runs), it can be quite fun!  A lot (not all) of teens care about what people think of them; P.E. makes you stay in shape, and lets people know your sporty side as well!