Have you ever had to choose one sport even though there are a lot of sports in the world? Well, I have had to choose. Out of all the sports in the world, I chose to do cheerleading and in this story I will tell you why. It all started in 6th grade at the assembly.
I got to school and we had short blocks, which meant our day was going to be easier than normal. When we got to the advisory at the end of the day, my friend left me because of cheer. I was excited to see her cheer because she was talking about it a lot.
At the assembly, everyone sat down and my class was towards the top. That meant I could see everything going on easily. When we first got to the gym, I got to see my friends doing their cheers. It was really exciting because they all were in sync, so it was really cool to watch.
After the assembly, my friend came back to my advisory. I told her how good she did and she told me that next year I should cheer with her. I really wanted to because I saw how happy they looked while doing it and how fun it looks. Also, because I think it would be really cool to be a cheerleader.
So now you know why I got into cheer. I am super happy that I decided to cheer because I was able to make more friends. Also, I have a lot of good memories from cheerleading. I hope you can also cheer someday. If you want to cheer at EMS, then email the cheer coach, Ms.Laurence.