Cats are beautiful beings but have you ever thought that some of them might go away forever never to come back? If you have had this question then you should enjoy this story because you will get to find out about some of the most endangered cats in the world. I am also talking about small cats and not big cats so this makes it a lot more interesting.
Number 1:
The Andean Mountain Cat is one of the most endangered species of cat in the world.
The Andean mountain cat has an ashy-gray fur, a gray head, ears, and face, with brown patchy stripes running horizontally across its back. Its long bushy tail has 6–9 rings, which are dark brown to black. The markings of juveniles are darker and smaller than those of adults. Andean mountain cats are primarily found in the high Andes of South America, specifically in the mountainous regions of southern Peru, southwestern Bolivia, northeastern Chile, and northern Argentina.
Number 2:
The Black-footed Cat is the second most endangered species of cat in the world. It has bold small spots and stripes on the tawny fur, it is well camouflaged, especially on moonlit nights. It bears black streaks running from the corners of the eyes along the cheeks, and its banded tail has a black tip. Interestingly its paws are dark brown and not black.
This species inhabits dry, open savannah, grasslands and Karoo semi-deserts.
Number: 3
The Borneo Bay Cat is the third most endangered species of cat in the world. The underside of the chin is white and there are two faint brown stripes on the cheeks. The backs of the rounded ears appear darker-colored. The forehead is marked with faint dark stripes and there are light markings at the inner corners of the eyes. The back of the head has a dark M-shaped marking. The Borneo Bay Cat is found only on the island of Borneo, and appears to be widely distributed on the island.
Number: 4
The Cornish Rex is the fourth most endangered species of cat in the world. Cornish Rex cats have two defined patches of colors, usually black and red (orange), against a white base color. They will be anywhere between 25-75% white, with their underbellies and legs usually pure white. Their patches might also come in chocolate, lavender, and smokey colors. Their light coat means that they are best suited for indoor living in warm and dry conditions, as they are sensitive to low temperatures.
Number: 5
The Flat-Headed Cat is the fifth most endangered species of cat in the world. The flat-headed cat is reddish-brown on top of the head, dark roan brown on the body with a mottled white underbelly. Its face is lighter in color than the body, and its muzzle and chin are white. Two prominent buff whitish streaks run on either side of the nose between the eyes.
The flat-headed cat is generally associated with wetlands and waterways.
As you can see these species of cats are so cute but also really endangered. So let’s try to keep them here as long as possible! If you wanna try to help save cats go to this website! If you are also wondering where I got this information from you can visit this website.