Do you like the Harry Potter books or movies? How well do you think you know facts about the book? Well, today I’m going to tell you what a horcrux is, why it was made, how to destroy one and how to make one. I’ll also tell you about the person who used one.
A horcrux is an object that a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a small fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. A Dark wizard is any magical person who studied and practised the Dark Arts, which is also known as Dark Magic. They also create dark objects and artefacts. To be a dark wizard you had to have inflicted injury or death on other wizards or muggles by dangerous curses and other dark charms. A horcrux is one of the worst artifacts to make not only because it splits your soul, but you are only able to successfully complete it if you just committed murder or another terrible act that “tears your soul”.
The horcrux is made to make sure that the person can’t die. Basically the horcrux makes you immortal. So, even if your body is completely shredded, your spirit will stay in the world of the living. The reason Voldemort had ever been able to complete the entire ordeal is because Voldemort is obsessed with immortality and he didn’t want to understand how important the soul is, so he went further than any wizard known to history, creating seven Horcruxes. Although Voldemort had only planned to make six horcruxes, he accidentally created a Horcrux when he failed to murder Harry Potter. So later he made his pet snake Nagini into his seventh Horcrux, thinking that this would be the sixth horcrux he would have made.
Horcruxes are also extremely strong, and so only the most powerful and magical spells of the wizarding world could actually destroy them; an example is Basilisk venom and Fiendfyre. Therefore, as a safety measure to protect Voldemort’s immortality and precious soul fragment, he would place powerful enchantments into the artifact to help prevent damage, or at least give the person some resistance.
Well, now you know what a horcrux is, how to make and destroy one, and why they are created in the first place. You also got to know some about the person who has made the most. If you want to know more about horcruxes or anything about Harry Potter, you can go to Harry Potter WIKI.