Social Media Review

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Arianna Hamilton, Reporter

     Social media is something that people talk about or use every day. I am comparing which app is most kid appropriate for teens. There is a lot of harassment and cyberbullying when it comes to different types of social media, so I’m going to see which app has the least amount of cyberbullying. Most guidelines permit you from having any social media if you’re under the age of 13 years old. I will be reviewing different social media branches such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

In general, I find social media to be very useful to people in the world. It is a good way to communicate with the rest of the world. Many great things have happened because of social media, but there are also very bad things happen because of social media. Cyberbullying being one of the more known and common negative examples.

Cyberbullying is just like bullying, except it’s on the internet. Although I’m not reviewing Facebook, according to Lindsay Barton, “One of the most common forms of bullying on Facebook is harsh commenting on users’ self-photos (selfies)”, (Lindsay Barton, Moms Team). Even though teens don’t use Facebook as much compared to other social media platforms, it is still the highest website to have any form of cyberbullying on it. Runner up is Instagram! Because almost everything that you post is of yourself, and there’s always a comment section, it is easy for other teens to comment rude and unnecessary things under your photos. Although, Instagram has made it possible for you to tun off the comment section and block certain users.

Snapchat is the lowest in my list when it comes to the most cyberbullying. But don’t be deceived, there is still plenty of harassment to go around. Here’s how snapchat works: The way to communicate on this app is that you take a picture of something, whether it’s a picture of where you’re at, or if it’s a picture of yourself. But, you add a caption. Some people have conversations or they post on their “stories”. A Snapchat Story lasts 24 hours, unlike Instagram where your posts are permanent until you remove them. But when you open a Snapchat, you can only open it once. This makes it easy for people to say something with no proof that they said it.  

Twitter is also on the lower side when it comes to online harassment. But there is still a lot of it. People tweet things about other people, without tagging them while hundreds of people can see it. This is humiliating for that person. Twitter is a good way to find people you relate to or have something in common with. It helps you learn more about what’s happening in the world. All celebrities and most politics have Twitter. People use it to promote businesses and raise money.

Overall, I think all of these apps are good for the world. Although, they all have their ups and downs. Cyberbullying is a very important topic and it should be solved. If you see someone being rude to another person, report that user. 1 in 10 kids attempt suicide because of cyberbullying. Only you can stop that.