Hello From Tokyo

Hello From Tokyo

Ethan Rhudy, Jr Reporter

Dear Ethan,

Hi, it’s me Jackie Chino from Japan… remember your pen-pal from second grade! I’m going to see some sights in Tokyo for the weekend. I hope you can come soon.


I saw Sanrio Puroland “Hello Kitty Land” today it’s kinda weird though… my little sister Charli saw this and she had to go. We saw a lot of hello kitty merch and stuff. Also, I got a picture with hello kitty ;(.Fun fact hello kitty was made in Japan. Well, that was a strange day 1 of our trip write you tomorrow!


Ok, so today we went to where I’ve wanted to go…. Tokyo Sea Life Park! It has so much aquatic life and is so cool! I got to pet a stingray and see some sharks! I just love aquatic life. Aquatic life is important because almost all of Japan is tropical so fish are important.


Yuck! My parents took us to a romantic restaurant for their date night and we had to tag along it was good though I got some sushi with some free shavacado. Charli got some chicken nuggets and rice. It was so gross my parents were all mushy and stuff…. The food was awesome though best I´ve had ever! Also, sushi is a Japanese food that is rice, and fish wrapped in seaweed.


Overall, I had so much fun and I do suggest you come over and visit so we can have some fun at the aquarium, and after, enjoy some awesome food! I really want a friend to hang with.

Please visit
