Parkland High School Shooting

February 20, 2018
February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz decided to shoot innocent people at Parkland High School. This really hurts me because in the summer of 2017 I went to Florida and visited Delray Beach. When we were leaving the beach to go get food we drove past the school. I saw teachers and 2 students walking around. They looked so happy and full of joy. It really makes me sad that Nikolas Cruz, for some reason, thought that it was okay to do something like this.
The shooter made a comment on YouTube saying, “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.” Another user alerted the FBI about the post. After this, Cruz was not allowed to bring a backpack on school property. The FBI said that they were not able to fully recognize who posted it but teachers at the Highschool were warned because they were able to know where the person made the account, Parkland, Florida. The name of the user was Nikolas Cruz. So, they assumed it was him so they warned the teachers about him.
17 people were killed in the shooting, 3 of them being his close friends. Over 50 people are in critical condition. Reporters are saying that this was the deadliest shooting in the U.S. since 2012. Cruz showed numerous warnings about the shooting before.
Many people are now thinking that teachers should be armed with a gun and should get free proper gun training. Giving teachers guns could cause accidents, if a teacher goes rouge, or if a student tries to take the gun away and use it. This could help because people would be more intimidated and the teachers would have more authority.
After all of this was over the school closed and is now trying to rebuild the community and trying to not get sued. The area around the school is being flooded with reporters trying to get answers about the kid who started to shoot.