Lung Cancer

Jenna Brown, Beat Reporter

Did you know that 154,050 deaths per year are from lung cancer? (83,550 in men and 70,500 in woman). Thats 6 times more people in Emporia, KS! Today I’m going to tell you how you can prevent lung cancer, and not become one of the 154,050.

What types of lung cancer are there are? There are three different types of lung cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Lung Carcinoid Tumor.  Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is the most common, 85% of lung cancers are Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Small Lung Cancer is also called oat cell cancer, 10-15% of lung cancers are Small Lung Cancers. Small Lung Cancer tends to spread quickly. 5% of lung cancers are Lung Carcinoid Tumors, most of these tumors grow slowly and rarely spread.

What are the effects of lung cancer? One effect is, blood clots. Blood clots are a mass of clotted blood. Another effect is, chemo brain. Chemo brain is memory problems after the treatment of chemotherapy. People after treatment have weight loss or weight gain because of the reaction to the chemotherapy.

How do I prevent lung cancer? Smoking is a risk to get lung cancer but to prevent that you should stay away from smoking, exposure to secondhand smoking, exposure to radon gas, and family history in lung cancer. Also you should avoid carcinogens. Carcinogens are a substance that can cause cancer. You should eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, and exercise daily.

You should not smoke, be exposed to radon gas, and avoid carcinogens. You should prevent getting lung cancer so you don’t have to go through treatment and then have it run in the family.