
Jenna Brown, Junior Editor

Do you know what causes allergies? Do you know how to prevent allergies? Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. More than 50 million Americans have experienced various types of allergies each year.

An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system sees a substance as harmful and overreacts to it” (aafa). When you come into contact with the allergen, your immune system’s reaction can inflame your skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.There are many different types of allergies: drug allergy, food allergies, contact dermatitis, latex allergy, allergic asthma, seasonal allergies, animal allergy, anaphylaxis, and allergy to mold.

Allergy causes are: airborne allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites, and mold, certain foods, particularly peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, and milk, insect stings, from a bee or wasp, medications, penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics, latex which can cause allergic skin reaction. Some risk factors are, having a family history of asthma or allergies, hay fever, hives, and eczema (eczema is: an itchy inflammation of the skin).

There are ways to prevent allergies.  Try to avoid the things that trigger your allergies such as if you are allergic to pollen say indoors and keep windows and doors closed. Track your activities and what you eat. If one of your allergies is very severe you could get a bracelet that lets people know so they aren’t triggering your allergies. You can wear a mask, keep your house clean, get a shot, or allergy medications prescribed by a doctor. Also if you are outside during allergy season you should wash your hair that night to get the pollen out.

I hope if you have really bad allergies these prevention’s help you. Even if you don’t have allergies you could prevent yourself from getting these allergies.