Interview of Calvin Seeley

This is Calvin Seeley, a 7th grader at Emporia Middle School.

Braden Ary, Contributer


Hello, I am Braden and today I’m interviewing Calvin Seeley.  Calvin is a 7th grader at Emporia Middle School. Calvin’s favorite subjects in school are PE and world studies (which is a social studies and language arts). another thing that Calvin said is that his favorite sports are Football and Basketball.



What is your favorite subject in school:  World studies [which is a mixture of social studies and language arts], and PE

What’s your favorite sport:  Football or Basketball

What’s your favorite candy:  strawberry or watermelon Sour Patch Kids

What’ your favorite color:  Red or Pink

Do you like or dislike tennis:  I dislike tennis but my sister makes me play with her every once in a while

What are all of the sports that you’ve played:  Soccer, Football, Basketball, Baseball.

Do you like or dislike Drake:  I don’t really care about his songs.

What’s your favorite artist:  I have a lot of artists that I like.

Do like ice cream, if so what flavor: I like ice cream, and my favorite flavor is Strawberry.

Do you like to have friends over to your house:  Yes, some friends I like to have over are Sheldon Stewart, Cale Millison, and people that live close to me.

Are you a cat or dog person:  I am more of a dog person

What do you do in your spare time:  I take naps and do homework

Have you ever broken a bone:  No, I haven’t ever broken a bone before

What’s your favorite number:  My favorite number is 14


If you liked that interview I know that you would like Calvin as a friend too.  One of the things that I found out about Calvin is that he has played in many sports and he’s good at them too.