The Story of Football


This is one of the helmets that many colleges and high schools use

Tucker Hill, Contributor

You show up to your school’s football game and the first thing you see are the players with their pads and you see them staring the other team down. You hear the coaches giving the players a pep talk, then it starts. You hear pads clashing, see people going to the ground, then you think to yourself, is football really as bad as it looks?


Are concussions a regular thing that happens? You usually get concussions with blows to the head like helmet to helmet contact. Sometimes you can’t help yourself so you might accidentally hit head to head contact, but that’s a risk you take when you play football. If you are worried, then limit the amount of contact and use techniques so you have a better chance to not get a concussion. According to Cleveland “ after a concussion is diagnosed, acetaminophen can be used; however, it should not be given just to cover up headaches. Aleve and Ibuprofen (NSAID-type medications) should not be used at first, as they may increase the risk of bleeding.” ( Jameson J, 387)


Does it take much experience to play football? With football, once you miss your deadline most likely you won’t be able to join. A lot of people think that it takes experience to play football. It doesn’t, but experience does help. People also say being skilled matters. Yes, it does. If you’re good then coaches will put you in a lot and will a good amount of playing time. In the little leagues this is not really a problem because everyone has to play but if you are not good that doesn’t mean coaches are not willing to help you get better.  


Who exactly invented the violent fun sport we all love today known as football? According to “ The man most responsible for the transition from this rugby-like game to the sport of football we know today was Walter Camp, known as the “father of American football .” The version of football we play today was invented in 1892. Football was supposed to be America’s version of rugby. This brings me to another point. In other countries, rugby is their sport and it’s the closest sport to football.


In conclusion, football is a serious sport with concussions and contact. It takes some skill but coaches are willing to help. Football was originally going to be a version rugby and not unique like the diverse sport it is today. Football is a great sport you get to hit people and you get a chance to be apart of a team.