School Dance Experiences


The gym where Emporia Middle School hosts the dances.

Nolan Heitman, Jr. Reporter

The school dance is set up to be a welcoming towards the beginning of school and a friendly goodbye towards the end. But sometimes the most welcoming of invites can be the opposite of what you were expecting. This article depicts the pros and cons of going to the dance and what you can do to make the dance experience better for you and your peers.


The following information is given to me by my fellow peers Christian Chavez and Ridley Richardson.


Ridley’s Interview


Writer: Is it worth it to go to the school dance?

Ridley: I have a lot of fun with my friends just yelling at them.

Writer: What is the best part of the school dance?

Ridley: Just hanging out with my friends.

Writer: What is one thing that the chaperones could improve at the dance?

Ridley: Having the ability to suggest songs.

Writer: You know they have a suggestion sheet right?

Ridley: Oh I didn’t know that!

Writer: Yeah they have a song sheet over by the speakers.

Writer: Do you go with a group of friends to the dance?

Ridley: Yeah I do.

Writer: Do you like the music played at the dance?

Ridley: Yes, but some songs don’t really stick out to me.

Writer: Do you dance?

Ridley: Yes, very poorly though.

Writer: What do you do at the dance?

Ridley: I do a bunch of cringy dances and yell at my friends.

Writer: Would you go again?

Ridley: Yes, as long as my friends were there.

Writer: What is the worst part of the dance?

Ridley: The music as well as the kids who are doing Fortnite dances.


Overall Summary: Ridley’s dance experience is usually comprised of dancing and messing around with his friends. The best moment for Ridley at the dance is when he bought 7 Gatorades and people began to call him the Gatorade god. Students from all across the gym came to Ridley for salvation and answers, “Could I have that?”.


Christian’s Interview


Writer: Is it worth it to go to the school dance?

Christian: Depends if you have friends because you don’t want to be standing around awkwardly but it could be fun because it gives an opportunity to make new friends.

Writer: What is the best part of the school dance?

Christian: Just hanging out with my friends and not having to do anything.

Writer: What is one thing the chaperones could change at the dance.

Christian: Making sure everyone’s health is okay as well as their mind. Other than that I think they’re doing a pretty good job.

Writer: Do you go with a group of friends to the dance?

Christian: Yeah, I know I guy who takes me and hangs out with me at the dance.

Writer: Do you enjoy the music played at the dance?

Christian: It was pretty good but there was a couple of songs that I would get rid of.

Writer: Would you go again?

Christian: I would go again if I knew who all was going.

Writer: What do you do at the dance?

Christian: Just lounge and hang out.

Writer: Do you even dance?

Christian: Nope

Writer: What is the worst part of the dance?

Christian: For me it was kinda weird when the slow dance started cause everybody was just staring at each other.

Overall Summary

Friends don’t occur immediately they occur overtime and with care. The EMS School Dance gives that opportunity to make those friendships.



The dance can be both good, bad, lively and awkward, and even sometimes dangerous and worrying. But if you follow what these interviewees do, I guarantee you that your EMS dance experience will be fun and rewarding. Slow dances may seem awkward and unnecessary but it never hurts to try.  Even if you don’t know a lot of people there is always a chance to make new friends.