Messing With Knives Is Something You Should Never Do

This is a picture that was taken after I received stitches.
December 12, 2018
Around the age of 9, I was rushed to hospital by my babysitter Due to a sudden incident that sent my family into a panic. That day was filled with blood, tears, laughter, a knife, and Newman Hospital.
Using A Knife Without Supervision? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
That fateful day started off as any other, my mother went to work and left my younger sisters and I with a babysitter. After coming home from a trip to the library, I remembered the pocket knife my dad gave me earlier that month, and the unopened earbuds I had gotten the night before. I decided it was a great idea to open the package with the knife. After making several cuts in the plastic, I successfully cut my palm. I ran to my sitter in a panic. The sitter called my mother, calmed down my sisters, while I wrapped my hand in a towel. Soon everyone was rushing to the car and speeding down the long dirt road.
Turning A Bad Experience, Into A Good Memory
We arrived at the hospital and met up with my mom. She asked to see my hand, I unwrapped the towel to only have her gag and take a picture then quickly wrap it back up again. By the time my dad arrived, it was time for us to be escorted the E.R, he and I spent the next two hours, waiting. We spent those two hours watching the “Fresh Beat Band,” and playing with a glove that we blew up and made it look like a fish.
When the doctor finally got to our room I asked if I would be put to sleep before they stitched up my hand. My dad, and the doctor just laughed and said no, but I still wasn’t thrilled when the doctor stuck a giant needle into the cut. The doctor was scared that I wouldn’t be able to use my hand and that the knife had cut the tendon. But I was able to use my thumb by the time the stitches were in.
In the end, I never got my headphones due to the fact that they were thrown away by accident. I learned that messing with knives is something I should never do, fortunately my dad taught me how to handle knives properly. Even though that day wasn’t the most enjoyable, it was one of the most memorable.