3 Ag Jobs/ Business You Can Start Right Now

A bee keeper

A bee keeper

Lacey Rust, Reporter

3 Ag Jobs/ Business You Can Start Right Now


1.Selling Eggs

Eggs are a great way to make money. If you want to take care of chickens or take responsibility over an animal that requires constant care then chickens will be a great pet for you, Many people prefer cage free eggs because it is more humane.  Therefore, you can make quite a bit of money. My guess would about $3-$6 per dozen. Also, chickens are a great starter pet. They are easy and require hardly any effort (from personal experience.) I think eggs are a great way to earn some money, as long as you don’t have a rooster.


This is not as easy a task because you can get injured. But with the proper training, equipment,  and experience you can have fun, make money and teach others. Real honey is not very common in America because many bee farmers are not making a profit because of CCD (colony collapse disorder). There is not a known cause of CCD. But on the bright side, you can make so major cash by making honey since there is not much competition. You can also make candles, soaps, lotions, and honey comb. If you really want to make honey and other bee products then you can sell them at local events, county fairs, state fairs, ect. Honey is a great business to be in if you are willing to put the time in for.

  1. Gardening

Gardening is a skill almost anyone can master. You can plant fruits, veggies, and many other options. You can sell your produce at the farmers market.You can even sell the produce to a local store of neighbor, family, and friends. Gardening can also improve your lifestyle by always having healthy food to eat around. Gardening is a very effective way to make some money and learn how to have a better lifestyle. Three good crops I would grow would be watermelon, tomato and pumpkins.

There are many ways to make some extra cash and get a new hobby. Ag. business will help you many things about nature and how you can have a part in our ecosystem. As school come to an end and you need some extra cash consider one of the ag jobs and have a great time.