Interview with Bailie

This is a picture of Bailie Stair. She is a 7th grader that attends EMS.
October 10, 2019
Today I got to interview a classmate that I didn’t know that well. I learned that Bailie does competitive dancing and wins a lot of trophies. She dances to hip hop, musical theory, and Jazz music. In her free time she likes to have fun doing dance , to bike, and go to Branson with her dad. I’m glad I interviewed her so I can learn about her a little better.
[Milo] I heard that you have been dancing. Tell me a little bit about that.
[Bailie] I do go to dancing competitions. I dance to Contemporary, hip hop, musical theater, jazz, jazz funk, and that’s it. I have won multiple awards, for some you get trophies, they can be plastic or glass. I also get ribbons and pins. I have won multiple awards, for some you get trophies, they can be plastic or glass. I also get ribbons and pins.
[Milo] Do you have any pets? Tell me about them.
[Bailie] I have a Great Pyrenees, Cocker Spaniel, and a Boxer. They play fight and sometimes when they come running down the stairs and they will knock you over.
[Milo] Do you have any talents or hobbies besides dance and what are they?
[Bailie] One of my hobbies is, I like to go biking with my dad.
[Milo] What was the most fun experience of your life?
[Bailie] Probably going and having fun at dancing competitions in my free time and going to Branson with my dad.
[Milo] Do you have chores such as doing the dishes? What are they??
[Bailie] I do have chores, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning my room, and cleaning the kitchen.
[Bailie] They play fight and sometimes when they come running down the stairs and they will knock you over.
[Milo] What types of food do you enjoy???
[Bailie] My favorite food is pizza and Chinese food.
[Milo] What is your favorite subject in school??? Why do you like this subject???
[Bailie] I like Social Studies the best and I like Social Studies because I like learning about history.
[Milo] If you were to play any video game in the world what would you play and why?
[Bailie] Probably Minecraft, because I just love that game.
[Milo] What is your favorite TV series or movie?
[Bailie] My favorite TV Series is probably Stranger Things or Riverdale.
[Milo] If you won the lottery what would you do with all your money? Why?
[Bailie] Pay off my bills, charity and stuff like that.
[Milo] Do you think you act like your mom or your dad? Why?
[Bailie] My Mom. My dad is into cycling and I get that from him. I look more like my dad, but my mom does cheer (Which Bailie does) and does sports in the family.
[Milo] If you were to be any TV character or movie character who would you be?
[Bailie] Eleven from Stranger Things. (She likes how she moves things with her mind).
[Milo] Would you be richest but dumbest or poorest but smartest?
[Bailie] I would be smartest because I would go to competitions and win money.
In conclusion, Bailie loves to dance in her free time and loves to spend time biking with her dad and going to Branson. She loves to spend time with her dogs. Thank you for letting me interview you. Now I know more about you and we could be friends.