Interviewing Brooklynn Ruiz

Brooklynn Ruiz
August 31, 2017
I am a twelve year old girl that is participating in Mr. Hawley’s world studies class where it combines your language and social studies. For one of my projects, I was asked to interview a fellow student in my World Studies class. My partner, Brooklynn Ruiz, was my interviewee. Brooklynn got the chance to interview me, but I’m not going to get into that. In the story below, I will have asked Brooklynn questions about EMS from her perspective. In our world studies class, we are practicing interviewing people and being interviewed ourselves! You should definitely take a few minutes of your day to read this story to get a better idea of EMS and the students! I hope you enjoy this! Below are Brooklynn’s answers.
“I really liked the staff members and students and how they’re so nice to the environment. I think that students should follow rules and listen the first time. Because, being preteens, 7th graders have issues. Also because they’re just getting used to school. Some advice for 6th graders that I have is that they should be themselves, and follow their dreams.” [Brooklynn Ruiz] is a part of Mr. Hawley’s world studies class that combines your Language Arts and Social studies classes. Being a part of this class has amazing opportunities like being an interviewer and an interviewee. Here’s how she got in the class:
“Well, I received a letter that said I had a higher academic [than other students not picked for the class], and I know Mr. Hawley and he’s really nice, so I joined the class. [I asked Brooklynn about her plans on playing a sport]. I plan on being on a team this year. The sport is basketball and cheer. [I asked Brooklynn what her favorite EMS memory was. I also wanted to know if Brooklynn also had any siblings in the Emporia district.] “I would say in 6th grade I enjoyed the Walk-a-Thon, where we helped people in other organizations. I have two siblings, [a five year old and a ten year old] in the district. Maya, the ten year old is in 5th grade, and Eric is in kindergarten.” [One of Brooklynn’s role models from 6th’s grade is one of her former teachers!] “Back in 6th grade, Mr. Young, who was a Silver science teacher, and he was encouraging, and himself.”
Over the summer [Brooklynn and her family] went to Omaha, Nebraska. “We visited the zoo. Several years back, we traveled, but since it’s busy and there’s more traffic, we just went to one place over the summer. I got to see family from California, and it was fun.” [Then, I asked Brooklynn about outside of school activities. Here’s her responses!]. “Outside of school I enjoy hanging out with friends, watch TV, and practice or play basketball. I plan on participating in the Rotary Club with Mr. Hawley, and cheer. [I asked Brooklynn about what she thought of EMS’s new principles so far. If you didn’t know, EMS has gotten three new principles over the summer]. “The new principles of EMS are really nice, kind, and they’re new, and they help you succeed. [Since it’s full of pre teens, lunch can get a little out of hand]. “At lunch, I think that us [7th graders] should lower our voice levels, because it could be [less] chaotic. To make lunch more enjoyable, we should have more food, than the certain amount of what they give us.” [Some accomplishments Brooklynn wants to have] by the end of 7th grade is that, “I want to have straight A’s, join after school clubs, and other amazing opportunities!”
That’s a wrap for the story! I [Emma Weast] had an amazing time interviewing Brooklynn! We had a fun time recording ourselves and answering these questions and then writing them down to put on the EMS Sound. I learned a lot about Brooklynn and what she thought so far about 7th grade. I definitely am enjoying Mr. Hawley’s world studies class! The world studies class is important because it’s introducing different opportunities than a normal language arts and social studies class. All of the students in the world studies class are hard working and nice and were picked to be in this particular class! In world studies we will learn about all the things we need to learn about to be more successful in 8th grade. Thank you Brooklynn for taking your time to do the interview and answer my questions, and thank you for reading and have an amazing day!