Being a 7th Grader


Leyna Allen

Jenna Brown, Contributor

This is an interview for EMS Sound and I will be asking Leyna Allen some questions about being a 7th grader. I would like to ask these questions about being a 7th grader to see what her thoughts are about it.

JB:What are your thoughts about being a 7th grader and why?
LA:My thoughts about a 7th grader are, you are more mature and you just get to learn more things than you did in 6th grade I just think that those are the most important parts about being a 7th grader.
JB: Why do you like those things?
LA:Because when you get older you just get more mature and you can just develop more into a 7th grader and I just think that is so cool.
JB: Who do you look up to here at the middle school?
LA:Miss. Mason
LA: She just has this little ball of light and we can go over anything, her and Ms. Briggs are probably the best people to go to when you have a problem.
JB: What would you do if you were principal for a week?
LA:Probably make the hours a little bit shorter, lunch time be 7th grade going second, I mean I am starving, I think that I would do that and also have like more outside time.
JB: What inspired you to come to EMS?
LA: My family and where I was, we moved here and I just wanted to come here, what’s the point to go to another school that I don’t know about.
JB: What is something you want to accomplish in 7th grade?
LA:I really want to accomplish being like a good flute player, I really want to accomplish that.
JB: How are you going to accomplish it?
LA: By practicing I guess and asking for tips about what I am supposed to do.
JB: What is something you look forward to in your future school years?
LA:I am looking forward to all the dances to be honest, I really like dancing.
JB: Why do you look forward to the dances?
LA:Because that is probably the only time that I see a lot of people together and there just like dancing, and you’re just dancing and not worried what other people think and it’s just wonderful.
JB: What is your favorite class and why is that your favorite?
LA: Probably World Studies because its just a place where you can learn and do interviews and just learn more about people.
JB:Are you doing any after school activities if so what are they?
LA:Not any after school activities but volleyball practice and that’s probably it.
JB: What do you look forward to be doing when you wake up to come to school?
LA:I look forward to come to World Studies to be honest it’s just awesome because we get it twice a day.
JB:How do you feel about the teachers?
LA:I think they’re pretty awesome and pretty nice so far. I haven’t seen a mean side, but you never know things change.
JB:What is the difference between 6th and 7th grade?
LA:The maturity level.
JB: What is your favorite thing about school?
LA: Being able to see my friends with a nice smile and just being with them.
JB: Do you play sports if so what sports?
LA: This is my first year playing volleyball and yea.
JB: Thank you for your time.
LA: Your welcome.

In conclusion,  I would say that Leyna is a pretty nice girl and we have a lot in common. From this interview I learned a lot of things that I did not know about Leyna.