My 5th Grade Lock-in

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Katie Acevedo, Jr. Reporter

Did you know that there is a lively occasion at Riverside Elementary called a lock-in? Well, there is, though it is only for 4th and 5th-graders it is truly entertaining! You get to stay up until 11:00 PM watching movies and playing fun games.

In 5th-grade, I was able to help set up concessions before the lock-in. We were keeping track of money, and staying after school to pick out snacks people would enjoy, so they would buy them. We got Gatorade, Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, and snacks like Hot Cheetos, Takis, and even candy. All of us were algebra wizards, so it was pretty easy to get through the math. Whenever we thought a snack or beverage would work for the lock-in, we would have to jot it down, but also keep track of the money in total. In the end, we got what we needed, and had our schedules of shifts at selling.

After I came back to school, everybody was helping set up equipment, so I went to go help. People started coming in when we accomplished the assignments, and we were all set. The first people were ready at concessions, and I was ready to watch one of the four movies that I had not yet watched. I didn’t want to be alone, so I persuaded some of my classmates to come with me, but they wanted to watch The Greatest Showman, so I was kind of miserable. I mean I had already seen that particular movie. My mother also had a movie going on in her classroom, so I felt bad for not being with her. 

After the movie they marked us with colored markers, showing us what groups we would be in. I can’t remember what color group I was, but I knew I was going to have fun. We did a math game where you had to solve a math problem, and once you get it correct, you went on to a scavenger hunt. We also did a team puzzle-solving game, the kind with actual puzzle pieces. There were also gym activities such as human hippo game where you would have your belly on a scooter and grabbed squishy balls, karaoke, and Just Dance.

On my shifts with the concessions, it was like lunch rush! Everybody was coming so fast, but we were able to succeed. Thanks to one of the teachers we had there, we didn’t have trouble with doing quick math at the cash register. We handed out what people wanted, and they gave the money to the teacher that helped.

After the dance, we had collected a load of cash for the school. Everybody got picked up by their parents or relatives. I had to stay until all of the kids were gone because my mom had worked there, so she stayed to help clean up. I also helped to put equipment elsewhere. Afterward, we took our journey home and that was it.

That lock-in was amazing! You can find lock-ins at some schools and maybe a few skate parks and trampoline parks. The good thing about lock-ins is that they are tons of enjoyable activities you can do with your friends. The bad part is that usually to get things you might need to pay. Overall I am sure everybody will enjoy it. Here is a website for church lock-in activity ideas. Maybe you can even make your own lock-in with friends!