The Interview with Talan

September 6, 2017
This is an interview from the EMS Sound press. This interview is between Talan Tabares and (me)Hayden Basler. In this interview, I will be asking questions that Talan will answer about himself. Talan is a pretty cool guy and once you read the story you may be able to pick out things you have in common with him.
The first question I asked was who inspires him. His answer was, himself because he is cool. Something that is interesting about him is that he likes to play video games. I asked if there was a specific video game and he answered that he would basically play anything. His favorite sports team is Barcelona because he likes soccer. He was born and raised in Emporia, KS. Talan’s favorite sport is soccer because he has always liked it.
Talan’s favorite season is Summer because that is when his birthday is and because he likes the hot weather. His favorite month is June because his birthday is in that month. His favorite food is macaroni and cheese. His hobbies are video games and soccer. Talan likes inside and outside but he prefers to be inside. Talan also told me that he is an organized person and on a 1-10 scale he would rate himself a nine.
In conclusion, I would say that Talan is a pretty nice guy. I can relate to him a lot and we have stuff in common. You don’t know that about people until you meet them. All I can say is that after interviewing him I know a lot more about him then I did before.