Trick Or Treating Vs Handing Out Candy

November 13, 2019
Halloween is a very spooky, dark, spine-chilling, and horrific day. Have you ever wondered, what is the best thing to do on Halloween? Would you like to watch scary movies and pass out treats, or would you like to dress up in costumes and get some free candy??
Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (End of harvest and start of the new year). People used to light bonfires and wear costumes to scare off the ghosts. A couple centuries later, on November 2nd, early fourth century, people prayed for all the lost souls who have passed away. All Saints Day (A Christian or Catholic tradition) was also called All Hallows, which made October 31st All Hallows Eve, which later became Halloween. People have been trick or treating in the U.S. ever since 1911.
First of all let’s talk about how fun it is. It is always fun to get some free treats, dress up, and have fun with your friends. It is also fun to give out treats to young children, watch scary movies, and eat a bunch of candy. In my opinion for fun I would choose trick or treating just because it is fun dressing up in costumes, seeing Halloween decorated houses, and getting free treats.
Now we will be talking about candy. If you love candy, trick or treating is for you. When you go trick or treating, you basically get free sugary treats. Dressing up is very fun while your trick or treating.
When you hand out candy, you make children happy. If you hand out candy, all the leftover is yours. You could stay up all night, watching horror movies, and have fun with your friends. A lot of Americans hand out Halloween treats.
At Halloween, you need to spend your time wisely. Just like any other holiday, it’s only once a year. I would choose handing out candy and staying up all night. You hand out candy for a couple of hours, and then the rest of the night is yours! A lot of young people go trick or treating and usually after a couple of hours, their going to say, “Time to go to bed”, or “You have enough candy”. For this round, handing out candy and staying up all night wins!
What would you rather do? Hand out treats to young children and stay up all night doing Halloween activities, or have fun getting free candy, dressing up, and getting your steps in. In my personal opinion, I would rather go trick or treating. I like trick or treating because I love to get a bucket full of candy. Even though 90% of parents steal your Halloween candy, I still love Halloween and everything about it.