Ace It Up Club

Ace it up club

Alli Hess and Will Samuels

Coming soon to EMS is the new ACE It Up Club. This club is about helping out around EMS or being able to make someone’s day. This club was made to keep on  spreading the kindness and heart Ace Garate had. Ace Garate was a student that brought all the students at EMS so much joy just from his smile alone. Unfortunately, last year Ace passed away in a tragic car crash. Jasmine and Mckinsey are two students making an impact at EMS. They plan on creating a club that students can enjoy while helping others. In an interview with Mckinsey she said “What led us to start this club was Ace’s parents  (Carlos and Amy) telling Jasmine and me that they would love to see something like this here at the school. Jasmine and I felt as if we needed to do that for Ace and his family because we need to keep all the good things he was doing and keep doing them”. Some things the club will do is retie the red ribbon originally placed on trees and poles outside of EMS when the passing of Ace occurred last year. They will also visit nursing homes, Help promote fundraisers in Emporia, and whatever the club members would like to do to help honor the huge impact that Ace made for the school and people outside of the school.