Gandalf vs. Dumbledore
December 4, 2019
Have you ever thought that Dumbledore and Gandalf are the same characters? Most people think that they are the same but they are very different.. Reviews have to help a reader make a decision. Since this is a review, maybe come from the angle which wizard would you have on your side, or which is the most powerful..
Gandolf was in the movie The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit. Gandolf has many names around the world because he is widely known, therefore he is very important. In elvish his name is Mithrandir and in Dwarves it’s Tharkûn. When he was young he was called Olórin but that name was forgotten. In the south, his name was Incánus, while in the north, his name is Gandolf, and to the east, he does not go. According to the text,” Tolkien derived the name Gandalf from Gandálfr, a dwarf in Norse mythology. In Norse, the name means wand-elf or staff-elf. This is reflected in his name Tharkûn, which is “said to mean ‘Staff-man’ ” in Khuzdul, one of Tolkien’s invented languages”. In Middle-earth, the color of a Wizard’s cloak distinguishes him from other Wizards. For most of his manifestation as a wizard, Gandalf’s cloak is widely known as grey, hence Gandalf the Grey. Midway through The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is promoted to the head of the order of Wizards and is then renamed Gandalf the White instead of Gandalf the Grey, which gives him another name “The White Rider”.
Dumbledore was in the movie Harry Potter. Since a young age, Dumbledore has always shown outstanding magical abilities. During his education at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was known as “the most brilliant student to have ever stepped into the school,” winning “every prize that the school offered”, and in his N.E.W.T.s, “did things with a wand “the examiner had” said he had never seen before. “ Rowling has said that “Dumbledore is primarily self-taught, although he “had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts,” and, as far as his education is concerned, “Dumbledore’s family would be a profitable line of inquiry.” While he is not vain, Dumbledore also shows no false modesty, readily acknowledging that he is an unusually intelligent and exceptionally powerful wizard. He admits a number of times to Harry in their occasional meetings in Half-Blood Prince that he makes mistakes, and since he is smarter than most men, his mistakes “tend to be correspondingly larger.”
They both died in pretty cool ways. Gandolf, who has a really cool death, died fighting the Balrog (who is a big fire dragon). The Balrog pulled him down off the Bridge of “Khazad-dum in Moria” into a vast, seemingly bottomless pit. They fell together, and the Balrog’s fire surrounded Gandalf, and he was burned, yet they have not yet died. He and the Balrog fought each other as they fell. They kept falling for a long time until they hit an underground lake of ice-cold water, which put out the Balrog’s fire. They sank into this lake together, continuing to fight each other, yet they still did not die. The Balrog knew of hidden tunnels deep under the mountains and used one of these to escape. People have been questioning if Gandolf really died or not. Who knows?
Dumbledore, whose death was not as exciting, died by being blasted off the tallest tower in Hogwarts by Professor Snape using the Avada Kedavra (killing curse). Later, people found out that Dumbledore planned his own death, partly because he did not want Draco to kill him, saying that Draco’s soul was still intact. Draco’s soul would have been damaged in killing Dumbledore out of malice, whereas Snape was fully aware that he would be merely sparing Dumbledore pain by killing him quickly. The other reason he had Snape kill him was that he had been cursed when trying to eliminate a Horcrux, which was slowly killing him. He didn’t want to die that way.
In conclusion, they are both good characters in their movies with high importance. Gandolf who has many different names is good with realistic hand tricks where Dumbledore is more magic and fiction. Dumbledore is a very smart person whose main goal is to teach and guide Harry Potter in his journey. Gandolf is more of a protector against evil and helps people get to where they need to get.