Getting to know Peyton Chanley

Peyton Chanley 7th grader
September 18, 2020
Hi my name is Ava Tyson and I got the chance to interview Peyton Chanley. It was fun getting to know her better and I hope you want to get to know her too. Are you ready… Here we go…
Q: Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
A: Peyton’s favorite teacher is third grade teacher Mrs.Oliver because she was the best she absolutely adored Mrs. Oliver. Every year after school she would go say hi to Mrs.Oliver.
Q: What is your favorite class this year? Why?
A: Peyton really likes World studies. Peyton said it was fun because she doesn’t have to do lots of homework like math or something.
Q: Do you do any activities after school?
A: Peyton plays competitive soccer and she attends church youth group.
Q: Which after school activity is your favorite? Why?
A: Peyton likes soccer better because she has more friends on the soccer team than in the church group.
Q: Do you do band or orchestra? If so, what instrument do you play?
A: Peyton does orchestra and she plays the viola she has been playing it for three years.
Q: What job would you like to do when you are older?
A: Peyton would like to be in the F.B.I.
Q: What college would you like to go to to get your degree for your job?
A: Peyton has no clue what college she wants to go to. Peyton also said a good college as long as she can afford it.
Q: What company would you like to work for?
A: Peyton would like to work for the F.B.I.
Q: How long have you been thinking about being in the F.B.I?
A: Peyton just thought of being an investigator just a couple weeks ago.
Q: What is your favorite crime show?
A: Peyton likes Agents of Shield.
Q: What is your main goal to accomplish this year?
A: Peyton recently moved and she wants to keep her new bedroom nice and clean and keep it that way.
Q: Why is that your main goal for the year?
A: Peyton hates the messy rooms and she hates cleaning it up.
Q: What talents do you have?
A: Peyton can play the recorder with her nose.
Q: Are you proud of your talent? Why?
A: Peyton is not proud of her talent because she thinks that it is weird.
Q: Is there a person in your life that you look up to. If so, who is it? Why?
A: Peyton looks up to her grandpa because he has been through so much and he works at the jail and every day he gives people their medicine. He is so nice and he can also do therapy and she goes to him whenever she needs help.
This was my Interview with Peyton Chanley I hope you enjoyed reading about our interview. Peyton is a sweet and loving girl. I hope that one day you can have the same experience that I had to interview somebody. Thank you Peyton for letting me interview you. I had fun and I hope Peyton had fun too.