Maddox Shivley

This is his profile pic and I have shown you this because this has been another “Behind The Avatar.”

This is his profile pic and I have shown you this because this has been another “Behind The Avatar.”

Caleb Dexter, editor

Today I will ask a fellow student in the Emporia Middle School World Studies a few questions about how his life is going as a seventh grader.
The first question I asked him was How is school going? He said,
“School is going well, I am starting to like online school.”
Favorite class? “My favorite subject is stem because it is hands on and coding.”
And lastly What is your favorite thing to do after a hard day of work? “When I get home from school I normally go to basketball but after that I watch sports with my family and eat dinner.”

Maddox thank you for your time and for letting me use you as my story.