Weeping Willow Trees

February 11, 2021
Weeping willow trees; giant trees with feather-like leaves that droop down, most likely originated from China and were traded along the Silk Road to Europe and now can be found in North America. They are mostly used as ornamental trees because of their beautiful hanging branches, but they are also used for instrument making (like flutes). Native Americans used their branches as paintbrushes and the bark for healing properties. As much as these are used for, some people believe they are bad. The tree’s roots can invade and clog underground pipes and should be planted at least 50 feet away from underground water, gas, sewage, or electrical lines. Because of this the trees are actually banned in Australia. One last good thing about the Weeping Willow Trees is that they actually repel mosquitoes. So would having a Weeping Willow Tree be worth it?