Sequel Trilogy Ranked
April 5, 2021
Faith, that is the theme of the Sequel trilogy. You can see this present in all three movies, The Force Awakens, Finn has faith that the Resistance is good and almost dies saving it, The Last Jedi, Rey has faith that Luke is good and that he will end up helping the Resistance, Rise of Skywalker, the entire Resistance has faith that they do have followers and they will help. That is the message, goodwill triumph and have faith in others. This will be a ranking of those three movies and I will do it worst to first style. The Disney or Sequel Trilogy consists of The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017), and Rise of Skywalker (2019). This is the third trilogy of the great Skywalker Saga and will finish it allowing more and different Star Wars movies to follow. MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT
The worst of the three movies in my opinion would be Rise of Skywalker. Believe it or not, they tried to make you believe that this whole movie takes place in a little over 16 hours, THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS. There is so much planet-hopping and stuff that it would be impossible to take place in that amount of time. There are also some really bad parts like Chewy getting his medal, which is just fan service, and Palpatine being alive, which would ruin the Original Trilogy. This movie also seems really rushed. I mean the CGI and effects were good but the plot…not so much. They also finish off Leia who I think should have died in the last movie, to be honest. She died redeeming Kylo Ren and that is way worse than dying trying to save the galaxy. Again I must point out Palpatine, HOW DID HE SURVIVE? He was thrown down a huge hole in the Death Star.
The Last Jedi, this movie tries way too hard to be funny. It is such a drastic change from normal Star Wars it ruins the movie. It’s like Disney wanted to make Star Wars more like Marvel by joking more, and they totally failed. I guess this movie was ok but it tried to be something Star Wars isn’t. It wanted to be “Oh I’m cool and your dumb, hahaha” and that isn’t what Star Wars is. Star Wars is good versus evil where the good is pure and kind and evil is ugly and rotten. My favorite character is Luke Skywalker and I feel like Disney didn’t really do him justice. He was mean and sarcastic and failed to use his best trait, he always feels and sees the good in people. HE WAS GOING TO KILL HIS NEPHEW BECAUSE HE MAY TURN OUT EVIL! He saw good in a killing monster who slaughtered younglings but his nephew who could be evil deserves death. That makes NO sense!
My opinion for the best of these movies is The Force Awakens, although, I still think that it is a bad movie. It takes too much from other Star Wars movies and you could say that it is A New Hope remade. The Force Awakens copies so much like the Death Star and Starkiller Base, desert planet (Tatooine and Jakku), mentor death (Han and Obi-Wan), looking for droids (R2 and C-3PO, BB-8) and SO much more. Sure they tried and made an ok movie with good new characters but brought very little new material to the table. I mean this movie has so many questions that need to be answered. Where did The First Order (ripoff Empire) come from? Why did Luke leave just because of Kylo Ren? What happened with Han and Leia? Who is Snoke? And HOW DID THE PRODUCTION OF A HUGE GALAXY KILLING WEAPON GO UNNOTICED? These really needed to be answered in the movies, not in books or comics. Not everyone has easy access to those and not knowing how makes these hard to watch.
So, as you can see I don’t really like these movies. I think that Disney just wanted money and didn’t really care what we thought. These movies really didn’t work with each other either. The Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker were both by the same director but The Last Jedi wasn’t so the different visions due to different directors really drags this trilogy down. These are Star Wars and I love Star Wars, but these movies really ruin it for me. When I first heard I was super excited because I was a huge Star Wars Legends fan but these made a new Disney canon that I really dislike. Now go, may the force be with you, and godspeed rebels.