Sky Warriors

The book cover
April 8, 2021
The is this student Hunter Smith at EMS who published his first book of the series. So I asked him some questions on his book and book signing. The first question is, 1. Where can we find your book? He said “You can buy it on Amazon.” The second question is, 2. What are the positive and negatives to writing a book? He said “There’s no real negatives except spending lots of time. If it’s enjoyable, then that’s positive. It expresses who you are.” The last question is 3. What is one piece of advice that you would give someone if they wanted to be an author? “A piece of advice I would give would be if someone wanted to be an author, first study grammar. It took me a long time to figure some grammar rules.” I hope that you look into this book and maybe you might become an author yourself. Here, click on this link to look at the book and maybe buy it.