Four Best Directed Drawings.

It will be fun
May 12, 2021
”What do I want to draw…hmm?” Do you ever think this? Well, I know I do. If you do, you don’t need to think that any more because I will answer it for you. Today I will review four directed drawings and talk about some good things about them. All of the videos on this list of videos will be from “Art Hub For Kids”.
First up we have “How To Draw A Shark Folding Surprise Puppet”Here is the link
These puppets are very cool. I have seen many videos over these types of puppets. I like how they surprise you when you open them . I have never made one, but I might now that I have seen this tutorial. Okay, some things I like about this video? Well, I do like how it is a very easy drawing. Also, I like how he splits the whole thing into very easy steps.
Next we have “How To Draw Sponge Bob Square Pants”link
I like to draw simple but cool drawings then put lots of detail and shading into it. Lots of people like to watch Sponge Bob. I picked this because of that. I personally don’t but that doesn’t matter. I liked that he teaches how to get a better circle if it isn’t as round as you like it.I love how calm he is and how if you mess up it is just a minor problem, not a big deal.
This is the second to last one and it is “How to draw the Lorax” Link
Okay, first of all, I love the Lorax movie. I love how the whole movie is so bright and colorful.
I think that the Lorax is a great idea to draw and I love the rhymes of Doctor Seuss. Watching this is great. I love to see the difference from one drawing to the other. I would definitely recommend this video to anyone that likes to draw random things. I like how he shades in the last part of the video.
Lastly we have “How to Draw a Heart With Wings” Link
Okay, for this one I thought it would be great because Mother’s Day is coming in a few days and this would be a great gift for any mother. I will probably do this for my mother. I like the shading and highlights that make it look like it is round and shining. I also like the wings and how they look on the heart. This is personally my favorite drawing out of all of them, and, you know what they say, “Save the best for last.”
These are “The Four Best Directed Drawings”. You can watch the videos and do them yourself if you have time and want to do something fun. You can draw all kinds of things on your own like Star Wars and food. I like this story Idea and watching the videos. If you liked this, you can go to Art Hub For Kids.